When Dr. Robert Ballard discovered the wreck of Titanic in 1985, the position and state of the wreck were no longer open to guesses and conjecture; the truth was now known, and only a few days after the discovery of the wreck, Robert Ballard held a press conference at Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute to tell the world’s press about his team’s amazing discovery – Titanic – and where she now lay.

He briefly outlined the wreck to the hushed room;
Location of Titanic’s bow section
49° 56′ 49″ W, 41° 43′ 57″ N
Location of Titanic’s stern section
49° 56′ 54″ W, 41° 43′ 35″ N
Location of Titanic’s heavier wreckage
49° 56′ 49″ W, 41° 43′ 32″ N
Depth to Titanic’s wreck – 12,600ft

The bow and stern sections lie approximately 600ft apart, and because of the planing actions both parts probably underwent during their descent, their respective positions on the seabed are not likely to be directly below where Titanic foundered. However, Titanic’s larger items of debris, such as boilers that broke free during the split, are muchmore likely to have dropped straight down to the seabed like the proverbial rock, so it’s reasonable to make the assumption that Titanic foundered at
49° 56′ 49″ W, 41° 43′ 32″ N